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Hair Care

Importance of hair care
Hair is probably one of the first things you notice when meeting people for the first time. This is the beauty of a person's personality.  

Hair care is very important because beautiful and shiny hair always leaves good impression.  

Good care of your hair plays an important part in having healthy hair, and helps avoid damage that can lead to hair loss, hair thinning and alopecia
Remedies for hair care.

  • Use good shampoo and conditioners - It's important to use a shampoo that is good for your hair type. If you suffer from hair loss, you should use mild shampoos since they don't contain strong chemicals.
  • Be Gentle - Excessive brushing can damage your hair. Use appropriate hair brush or a comb and never brush your hair while wet. This when it is most vulnerable and prone to breaking.
  • You Are What You Eat - Healthy diet is important for healthy hair and hair growth. To have stronger hair, consume eggs, milk and dairy products, nuts, carrots, dark-leaf vegetables and grains. Also, make sure you intake minerals and vitamins.
  • Go Natural - Heat exposure damages hair so whenever possible, avoid using hair drier, curling or flat irons. Also, avoid regular hair coloring because they have strong and harmful chemicals.
  • Nourish Your Scalp - If possible, use hair treatments at least once a week. You can make your own with the help of few ingredients in your kitchen. 

Home remedies for hair growth and hair care.

hair care in delhi

Coconut naturally conditions and promotes growth of hair. It carries the ingredients that helps to make the hair stronger.
Regular use of this oil to massage the scalp has a protective action against hair loss.

  • Grate coconut and squeeze out the milk by mixing in a little water.
  • Apply this to the specific area where you notice thinning or balding. Allow to stay overnight and the next morning, rinse off with water.
Amla is the perfect solution for most hair loss woes as it is rich in antioxidants and contains vitamin C. You can also consume it on a regular basis because the vitamin C is good for your body.
  • Crush the amla fruit to extract a juice or buy the amla powder
  • Add 2 teaspoons of the juice or the powder into an equal quantity of the juice freshly squeezed from a lime.
  • Mix well, apply to the scalp and leave it to dry; then rinse using warm water. Get rid of other beauty problems too with amla.
Aloe vera gel
It contains healing, antibacterial and anti-fungal properties.
Applying fresh aloe vera gel on the scalp is another way of keeping your dandruff at bay.

  • Keep the gel on for 30 minutes.
  • Wash your hair with an aloe vera based shampoo. You can also make these aloe vera pastes beneficial to all skin types.